Saturday, April 4, 2009


Korben at the Easter egg hunt.

He just kept grabbing all the candy & ignored the eggs.

These are the pictures that got taken at the baby & toddler expo that we went to. I was so disappointed because I had him dressed SO cute & it was the same day as the Easter egg hunt so he ended up getting chocolate all over his shirt. I put him in another cute outfit & he leaked out of his diaper & this was the only other back up outfit we had with us, he still looks adorable though! Turns out they did the contest different this year & only had a cutest baby contest & no cutest toddler contest & they only picked the top 10 babies to vote on. This first picture reminds me of Brent because his eyes are closed, just like his Daddy!

This one is the one I picked for them to send to me, you got 1 free one. Once I get it I will make copies for everybody.

Love his smile in this one, but I wish he was looking at the camera.

Korben started lining up his toys again.

Korb kept saying sun bright & squinting his eyes so I think his eyes are sensitive like mine. We bought him some Spongebob sunglasses & now he has to wear them everytime we go outside. He looks cute in them!

We took Korb & Zee to an indoor glow in the dark Easter egg hunt. It didn't turn out that well as they had too many kids, not enough eggs (so kids didn't get any!) But Korb & Zee had a great time, in these pictures he kept kissing her. He loves Zee so much, he calls every little girl Zylee & every older guy that he sees he calls them Grandpa.

Glow in the dark Easter hunt - he had no problem going up to this dog but the weekend before this at the other Easter egg hunt he was afraid of the Redhawks mascot & the Cow from Chick-fil-a, which is VERY weird for him since he had never been afraid before.

It rained on Easter day so my mom had an indoor hunt for Korb, Ryan, & Zee. They had fun!

Korben being silly on Easter morning.

This is what the Easter bunny left Korben.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Korben is starting to potty train himself!!! We are so excited that he has taken an interest in it. We are hoping by the time we go to Disney World this Oct. that he will be all the way potty trained but we are not forcing him into it. Right after he goes poopy in his diaper he has been saying "poopy." He has been willingly going to get his diaper changed more often than not. The last few days he has been running to the gate & points down to his private area & says "potty!" so we run to the bathroom & he tries to help me take off all his clothes. We have to dress him in the overalls or one piece rompers so that takes awhile to undo the overalls. He thinks he needs to have all his clothes off to go potty but he is learning just pants & diaper come off. He has not gone in the actual potty yet but he has either just gone (warm diaper) or he goes right after I put his diaper back on after sitting on the potty for 10-15 mins. I guess he gets a little gun shy & once he gets on the potty he doesn't go. Yesterday after sitting on his potty he got up, still bared butt & tried to pull off some TP, put it in the grown up toilet & then flushed the toilet & said "yay" so he is starting to imitate us. We are excited that he is just trying! I ordered him some books about going to the potty from my book swapping site & we got one of them in today. He had me read it to him about 5 times & then read it himself, which was a bunch of gibberish & then he would say "no diaper" "potty, yay!" He's cute! Grandma & Grandpa S. are going to be very surprised how grown up he has gotten. Brent actually got sad about that the other day.

I found some of Korben's rompers online in size 3T from Gymboree & they wanted $24.00 for each outfit! We went to the baby consignment store & they had 4 of the Gymboree ones in 3T for $4.50 each! Then I also bought 2 pairs of overall shorts. I need to go back & see if they have anymore rompers in as alot of times Korb ends up wearing 2 outfits a day. We like the rompers better than the overalls as they are easier to get off for diaper changes.

The mother's day out program is going well & we had another boy join so now I watch 4 kids (2 - 8 month old babies, 1 - 14 month old & 1 - 2 yr old) plus Korben & that is all I will take on. The newest boy is 2 as well but his bday is in Nov. so he is slightly older than Korben. He is the youngest of 4 boys. Korben has finally found his match. Korben kept stealing toys away from him & the little boy hit him & pushed him, boy was Korben SHOCKED. He has never had anybody hit him back before. I wish I had a picture or video of the look on Korb's face. Of course both of them got in trouble but I was glad that Korb got a taste of his own medicine. He is actually starting to listen when I tell him to share his toys & is starting to give back the toys if he takes them away. So I am glad this little boy is coming now. Also his mother and I have worked it out where we are going to start swapping babysitting so that Brent & I and her & her hubby can go on a date at least once a month. I am still a little nervous about that since he has never been left with anybody except his grandparents. She agreed to come here and watch him since he doesn't do well with change. We will go out during the afternoon for the first few times as Korben doesn't do bedtime very well with others. My parents came over here & watched him last Friday night while Brent & I went to a WhoDunIt dinner theater show & they got Korben to bed but he ALWAYS wakes up several times a night when somebody besides mommy & daddy put him to bed. It's like he waits for us to get home & then has to make sure we are still here. So I figured we will just start off slow so he gets used to her before having her put him to bed.

Korben has gone through a growth spurt recently & is now able to reach all the light switches and he can now reach the handle to the screen door. This has all been a big challenge for us. Korb has been in time out A LOT lately. I used to keep the front door open so he could see outside & he likes to see daddy pull up, he starts waiting by the door around 5 pm. Well now he closes himself in between the front door & the screen door & opens the screen door & tries to run outside! So now the door has to stay shut since the screen door doesn't lock properly. He figured out how to unlock the bottom lock of the front door, thank goodness he can't reach the deadbolt yet. I guess when he gets tall enough for that we will have to install one of the child locks at the top of the door. I blame Brent for all Korben's sneakiness! :) Just a little while ago Brent had to put Korben in time out for turning on & off the light switches & when Korben came out of time out Brent said to Korben "what do you say?" Korben will usually say "sorry & say no light switches (or whatever he did wrong) but this time he went on to say, "no buttons, no tv, no movies, no light switches" he just kept saying it over & over, it was pretty cute.

Korben has also FINALLY started to try to use his silverware, yay! He has been trying real hard & is getting better at it everyday. He still won't use it if he is really hungry or in a hurry but when he slows down towards the end of the meal he will start to practice with his fork, he seems to like a spoon better as he is always asking for a spoon.

Well that is pretty much going on here. I have just been busy taking 2 online art classes. One of them I used my xmas money on & signed up for back in Dec. & the other one is a free class & of course they overlap with each other so that has been keeping me busier than usual. This weekend we will have a busy weekend since there is lots going on here. Tomorrow morning the city of Moore is having their annual Easter egg hunt at a park not far from our house. They have each age groups seperated out for Korb will be hunting with other kids ages 0-3. I have never been but have heard each kid ends up with tons of eggs & some eggs have numbers in them & those eggs get bigger prizes, it's all free so we thought we'd check that out. After that we will be heading downtown to where they are having the Baby & Toddler Expo. We went last year & you can sign up to win prizes & Korben got lots of freebies. They had an indoor playground & tunnels for the little kids to play on but Korb was too small last year. They also have a mini photography studio set up & you get a free picture & they enter the child in the cutest baby contest. Last yr I didn't know until after the fact that the public gets to vote online for the cutest baby & toddler so once I get the link I will send it to everybody so Korben can win cause we all know he is the cutest in the world! Haha! :) This we will go to the Medieval Fair in Norman that is going on this weekend. So by the end of the weekend I should have more pictures. :)

Hope everybody has a great weekend!

Korben playing video games with Daddy.

Daddy didn't have Korben's controller plugged in, Korben is playing with the end of it here. Of course Korben didn't know that and was very intently "playing" the game with Daddy.

Korben got very messy eating lasagna & then we decided to give him some of the chocolate cupcake that we got from Marc's (my friend's son that I used to watch, he turned 2 last weekend) birthday party. Korb kept doing goofy things with his hands.

Marc didn't seem to know whether to cry or laugh or what when everybody was singing to him. He kept putting his face in his daddy's chest but then would look around & laugh, it was pretty cute. Marc didn't know what to think with Korb & the other little kids coming over & playing with all his toys. He was pretty nice about it though & just stood back & waited until they were done playing with something before grabbing it & trying to protect it from everybody else. Korb just runs up & grabs it, pushes, hits, and screams but we are working on that & getting better.